19" All-in-1 Surgical Endoscope Camera System

  • 19
  • 19
19" All-in-1 Surgical Endoscope Camera System
  • China
  • 9101H
  • ENT/Urology/Laparoscopy/Arthroscopy
  • All in One
  • PRO 1/2.3" FHD
  • 3-5 Years

The IKEDA 9101H Endoscopy Machine stands at the forefront of cutting-edge technology in the realm of arthroscopy systems. Specifically designed for joint surgery within orthopedics, this advanced arthroscopic camera machine embodies precision, efficiency, and reliability, catering to the intricate demands of minimally invasive procedures.

Arthroscopy has revolutionized orthopedic surgery, allowing surgeons to diagnose and treat joint conditions with unparalleled precision while minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues. At the heart of this transformative approach lies the arthroscopic camera machine, such as the IKEDA 9101H, which serves as the eyes of the surgeon during procedures.


Equipped with state-of-the-art optics and imaging technology, the IKEDA 9101H offers unparalleled clarity and detail, enabling surgeons to navigate the complexities of joint structures with confidence. Its high-definition imagery provides real-time visualization of the surgical site, facilitating precise interventions and enhancing patient outcomes.


In the realm of minimally invasive surgery, where precision is paramount and tissue preservation is key, the IKEDA 9101H Endoscopy Machine shines. Its ergonomic design and intuitive interface empower surgeons to perform intricate procedures with enhanced dexterity and control, minimizing trauma and accelerating patient recovery.


With the IKEDA 9101H, orthopedic surgeons have at their disposal a powerful tool that embodies the synergy of technology and medical expertise. As the field of arthroscopy continues to evolve, innovations like the IKEDA 9101H pave the way for safer, more effective joint surgeries, ultimately improving the quality of care for patients worldwide.

Arthroscopy system

Arthroscopic camera machine

Joint surgery

Arthroscopy system

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