The scope of application of digital colposcope


Digital colposcopy is an essential instrument for standardized scientific examinations in gynecology, and is suitable for examination and diagnosis of vulvar, vagina, and cervical lesions. Especially for the lesions that are positive in cell exfoliation cytology and are difficult to determine with naked eyes, biopsy under the guidance of colposcopy can greatly increase the positive rate.

The scope of application of digital colposcope:

1. Exfoliated vaginal cytology smear examination Pap grade 3 or above.

2. Although the cytological examination was negative, the suspected cancer was observed by naked eyes.

3. Long-term treatment of cervicitis, but the effect is not good.

4. It is difficult to determine the fine appearance and structure of the lesion by naked eye observation.

5. Before cervical cancer surgery, it is necessary to determine the affected part of the lesion under the electronic colposcopy, and know the scope of surgery to be removed.

6. Health survey and screening of the normal population.

7. Medical malpractice, forensic identification of sexual offenders, skin beauty examination.

Why do digital colposcopy?

1. Diagnose the precancerous lesions of the lower genital tract in time to reduce the incidence of cancer;

2. Timely diagnosis of early cancers such as carcinoma in situ and early infiltration under microscope, so that patients can receive early diagnosis and early treatment, thereby improving the survival rate of patients with malignant tumors;

3. Avoid blindly performing traumatic multi-spot biopsy of the lower genital tract, and only perform biopsy on suspicious lesions under colposcopy, which not only reduces damage, but also increases the positive detection rate;

4. Increase the positive rate of diagnosis of subclinical types of genital warts to improve the treatment effect, effectively control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and achieve the purpose of preventing the occurrence of lower genital tract malignant tumors;

5. Determine the scope of the disease and formulate the correct treatment plan.

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