【Hysteroscopy】Resection of endometrial polyps under hysteroscope


Advantages of diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyps under hysteroscope

Hysteroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyps has a clear diagnosis, and can be located to take biopsy and send pathology. According to the pathological results or condition, the surgical plan can be determined. After endometrial cancer is ruled out, single and small polyps can be treated directly under hysteroscopy. The lesions are removed under vision, and for the multiple-morbidity, young patients who require childbirth, a full-scale curettage can be performed. After curettage, a hysteroscope is placed to determine the curettage effect.

The role of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyps cannot be replaced by any examination method. It can make the examination and treatment more accurate, the scope of surgery is limited, the bleeding is less, the operation time is short, the recovery is fast, and the retention To improve the function of the organs, it has become the first choice for the treatment of endometrial polyps.

Resection of endometrial polyps under hysteroscope

1. Hysteroscopy clamping method: If the polyp is small and the pedicle is located in the upper part of the uterus, especially the fallopian tube orifice, it can be clamped and taken out with micro biopsy forceps under the direct vision of a fiber hysteroscope or rigid hysteroscope. If you can't remove it at one time, you can remove polyps repeatedly.

2. Hysteroscope interception method: For large polyps with a wide pedicle and close to the bottom of the uterus, a ferrule can be used to enter the uterine cavity through the operating orifice under direct vision of the hysteroscope, and the trap can be placed on the base of the polyp and Rotate the ferrule, and then take out the polyp together when the hysteroscope is removed. Finally, a hysteroscope is placed for review until the polyps are completely removed.

3. Hysteroscopic resection: If the polyp pedicle is obvious, it can be removed by Nd-YAG laser. For polyps with wide pedicles or difficult to find pedicles, as well as those who have been treated with other methods, but the symptoms persist or the polyps recur and regenerate, hysteroscopic electrotomy should be performed.

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