Regular health check-ups to avoid the "silent killer" in the body


The classic "triad of kidney cancer" (haematuria, back pain and abdominal lumps) often indicates that kidney cancer is at an advanced stage. With the popularity of health check-ups, more and more kidney cancers can be detected at an earlier stage through check-ups. Smaller (less than 4cm) kidney tumours can be removed by laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, which allows complete removal of the tumour while preserving the kidney on the affected side, achieving radical removal of the tumour while preserving the function of the organ. In recent years, the urology teams of many hospitals have accumulated experience and have performed many difficult kidney-preserving surgeries. The team has also developed a "central" experience for giant kidney tumours, and is able to safely and efficiently perform laparoscopic surgery to remove giant kidney tumours.

Kidney tumours are insensitive to radiotherapy and surgical resection is often the most effective way to benefit patients, especially in the early stages of kidney tumours. Here, IKEDA reminds us that it is critical to have regular health check-ups and an annual ultrasound examination of the urinary system to achieve early detection, accurate diagnosis and timely treatment of urological tumours!

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