Digital Colposcope And TCT Technology To Diagnose Early Cervical Cancer


Cervical cancer is one of the common malignant tumors in women. Early screening and treatment of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions is one of the main methods to prevent and treat cervical cancer. The method of early screening for cervical cancer is to perform HPV and TCT examinations. High-risk type positive, especially type 16, 18 positive or abnormal TCT requires further colposcopy and biopsy.

TCT cytology examination technology and Digital Colposcope combined with histopathological biopsy are both reliable methods for the diagnosis of early cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. The positive diagnosis coincidence rate of the two can reach about 97%.

Operation method:

The patient takes the bladder lithotomy position, disinfects the vulva, exposes the cervix, wipes the cervical secretions with a cotton swab, first observes the general shape of the cervix, and then apply 3%~5% glacial acetic acid solution and 2% iodine solution respectively, carefully observe the vaginal cervix Epithelial and vascular changes, observe the blood vessels with green filter lenses. When abnormalities are found, select the suspicious lesions under the digital colposcope to take biopsy and perform pathological examinations, and finally make a pathological diagnosis. At the same time, perform cervical liquid-based cytology on these patients. Inspection (TCT technique).

The application of TCT cytology examination technology has improved the diagnosis rate of cervical diseases, and it also plays an important role in the screening of cervical cancer. TCT examination can be used as a screening index for cervical diseases due to its convenient materials and small trauma. But it cannot be used to determine the degree of cervical disease. Digital colposcope can clarify the location of the lesion and ensure the positive rate of cervical biopsy. Its advantage is also that it can display the image on the computer screen to make the image magnified and clearer, and at the same time, it can conduct consultation and discussion on special cases to make a correct diagnosis. For highly suspected cases detected by TCT, combined with digital colposcope multi-point histopathological biopsy greatly improved the accuracy of cervical cancer diagnosis.

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